geodronz jee·o·drones
1. the byproduct of merging geospatial and drone technologies
Geodronz specializes in fusing the latest drone technologies within traditional GIS/Geospatial mapping environments. This integration allows us to quickly provide our customers with the most up to date aerial snapshots, what we call RapidSkypiX, for their areas of interest through affordable, easy to use, cloud based mapping products and stand alone mobile based applications.

We provide our products to both the private and public sectors from our base in Florida to all 50 states, Canada and beyond. Our RapidSkypiX products were developed for use within the golf course management industry, but can easily be extended to other major industries including:
HOA/Property Management
Land Management
Emergency Management
Natural disaster damage assessment
Environmental Sciences
Construction/Civil Engineering
Real Estate
Insurance/Property Appraisers

Geodronz RapidSkypiX Image
This is our most basic product. A digital image/picture of your property taken by our experienced drone team. This high-res image can be viewed on a computer and used in various automated machinery.

This popular product incorporates your GIS layers with a RapidSkypiX to open and view on your smartphone, computer or tablet using a customized web viewer. The SkypiX Viewer allows you to interact with the image and layers using helpful tools including zoom, add layer, measure, query and a time slider.
Geodronz RapidSkypiX Viewer

SkypiX Viewer - Swipe Tool

SkypiX Viewer - Measurement Tool

SkypiX Viewer with Imagery Swipe Tool and Golf Course Irrigation Line and Sprinkler Head Layers

SkypiX Viewer with Property Management Parcel Layer
SkypiX Viewer with Land Management Trail and Soil Layers

Our premier product integrates a Mobile App, an editable Web Map and a Dashboard to help you maintain your multiple assets and track your staff resources. Whether you manage a golf course, orchard, vineyard, or a farm, you can view the status at any time of day.
Geodronz Maintenance System
Maintenance System Dashboard​

Maintenance System
Mobile App
Other Services
Geodronz also offers other standard drone products and services including:

All Geodronz products can be purchased separately or in bundles.
Please contact us for more information and pricing options.
All Pilots Licensed and Insured
Aerial video, imagery, 3D models, elevation data, point clouds
GIS integration
Cartographic products
Web Mapping